In My Room/Office/Studio

In My Room/Office/Studio
"A writer and nothing else: a man alone in a room with the English language, trying to get human feelings right." - John K. Hutchen.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Marked (Poem)

They say they want to sever my tongue
Fling a rope around my neck and let me hang
Or maybe like Lumumba they’ll dissolve me in acid
But their threats I don’t take as I remain placid
To the gallows they want to send me
For in their evil hearts they believe I’m too free
They label me a scoundrel whose mind is unfit
And that on my grave they will spit
My writings they condemn as insanity posing as poetry
In the world they say I don’t belong, let alone in the cemetery
They say my thoughts and utterances are poison to the masses
And so they scatter all my classes
Like vampires my blood they yearn to spill
As they subterfuge as messengers doing God’ will
But on their faces I see the mark of the beast
And on my soul and those of my people they want to feast

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