In My Room/Office/Studio

In My Room/Office/Studio
"A writer and nothing else: a man alone in a room with the English language, trying to get human feelings right." - John K. Hutchen.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Twist within a twist!

I’ve been relaxing with a movie. And Im thinking, agggh, how can a director spoil such a wonderfully crafted and acted movie? Same theme as ‘Buried’ but fast-paced and unpredictable – a couple of aspects that ‘Buried’ lacked. I just finished watching this movie ‘Brake’ and how I wish I had not watched the last five minutes!  The twist was superb, the kind I never saw before, the kind that makes you grip the carpet with the tips of your toes and ultimately heave a sigh of relief. But then, another twist came. A twist within a twist! A sick, awful twist that spoiled what could have otherwise been a perfect thriller. And I hate the director for doing that! Actor Stephen Dorff pulled off an incredibly great performance in this film but the sense and story is lost in those stupid five minutes at the end. I felt like my intelligence was being undermined. 

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