In My Room/Office/Studio

In My Room/Office/Studio
"A writer and nothing else: a man alone in a room with the English language, trying to get human feelings right." - John K. Hutchen.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

A Very Perfect Stranger (Extract)

 “And what is it that I should have done?!” she threw her hands in the air as though scattering seeds to a brood of chickens. Michael ducked, as if indeed grains spewed off her hands. “It wasn’t easy Michael, put yourself in my shoes.”
            Michael’s lips quivered and his eyes shone. “Even if your shoes fitted me, the idiocy of what you’ve done doesn’t befit me. Options are always there. All you needed was to use your mind, Neo.”
            “As if you a have a mind yourself!” Neo blasted. “Wasn’t it you who was fooled by that lousy neighbour last year?”
            “Don’t try to ward off this conversation to things that belong to dustbins of history.  And don’t mention that incident again, he warned, index finger wagging at her. “I’m only trying to show you the wrongs you’ve done. Why can’t you just swallow your pride and admit that you’re flawed? I’m tired of your defensive arguments even in straightforward matters.” 
            Neo rose from the garden chair, her chest heaving. Arms now akimbo, she glared down into Michael’s eyes, her braids ruffled by the breeze. “You are no better than your father.”
            “Leave my father out of this. Sit back down!”
            “I’m not going to do that. You’ve made a million blunders and the one slip-up I made brings knives to my throat.”
            “Your slip-up has cost us thousands of pulas,” Michael said.
 “Thousands of pulas my ass!” she banged the plastic table between them. Empty glasses flew up.     

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