In My Room/Office/Studio

In My Room/Office/Studio
"A writer and nothing else: a man alone in a room with the English language, trying to get human feelings right." - John K. Hutchen.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Black Diamond

“Perfect. You see, the government and I are both thieves. But I’m a better thief. These guys are kleptomaniacs. Stealing is in their blood. They have numerous operations going on by which they rob the poor - from taxes to school fees. You even pay for the air you breathe. This is what I call a kakistocracy government,” he smiled and crashed the cigarette stub. “You know what that word means?”
            Thabo shook his head.
“It means a government led by the worst citizens. Such is our government.”  

I'm currently working on this story. It's called Black Diamond. I've always had this idea of writing an adventure thriller but couldn't just come up with a plot. Then I remembered an English composition I once wrote in high school. It was called The Hidden Cave. Black Diamond is inspired by that composition , or maybe I should say it's a development of The Hidden Cave. I hope it turns out to be a master piece. 

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